Samuel Wilkins

Samuel (15) is truly the cool customer he portrays in the film. "I enjoyed playing the silent cool guy", explains Samuel "I got a lot of the funny lines in the film, which was great. The hardest thing was keeping a straight face".

Samuel's infectious laugh and practical joking kept the cast and crew on their toes throughout the shoot. "He was a pleasure to have around." said Matt Daniels, "Sometimes he would drive us all mad with his messing around, but there is no doubt about his professionalism when it comes to acting... he could turn on the moment like flipping a switch, and he was always around helping out with everything; food, crewing, shooting documentary footage...having Sam around was invaluable!"

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The UK DVD of powerless will be released on the 12th June... [more]


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Watch the first 5 minuites of Powerless on-line now (broadband user only reccomended)...[more]